Governor Pritzker just announced that home learning has been extended through the remainder of the school year. As we finish our Easter break, the school staff will begin to work on plans for the rest of the school year. We all have many questions, so we will work to answer those as soon as possible. The school will send more information next week through a newsletter and other communications, so please continue to check your email frequently. We thank you for your patience and the tremendous support you are giving the students and staff of BSS!
Adults are invited to join the fun at our Mardi Gras event on Saturday, February 22 from 7:00 until 10:00 in the Blessed Sacrament School cafeteria. This bash includes music by Soul Experience, Cajun food by David Senger and his team, and the Men's Club sponsored bar! Join us for an awesome party!! Tickets are available in the school office for $20 or for $25 at the door.
Thursday, January 30: Represent Your Favorite Country (Bring out the Swag of your favorite flag) / Non-uniform day (students must follow the non-uniform guidelines on page 27-28 of the Parent/Student Handbook!)
Join us on Monday, November 25 at Barnes & Noble for our Polar Express event starting at 5:00 PM. Kindergarten and first grade classes will perform and there will be a scavenger hunt, storytime and hot chocolate. A percentage of all purchases made that day will benefit the Blessed Sacrament School Library. If you can't attend - visit to support us online from 11/26/19 to 11/30/19. Enter Bookfair ID 12554978 at checkout.
Mark your calendars for Friday, December 13 for a family movie night. The event will begin at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria and will include special snacks and activities. There will also be a Secret Santa Shop open for students to purchase small gifts for family members if interested.
Please join us in the school cafeteria on Wednesday, November 6 from 6:00 - 7:00 PM to learn more and share ideas regarding our Parent-School Association.